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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Let's Hope.

Let’s hope that this is just creation’s warning. 

Let’s hope that this is creation giving humanity a taste of what she can do if we do not change our ways and start cooperating with each other and with all of life.  

Let’s hope that this is creation urging us not to go back to the regime of greed, exploitation, consumption, injustice, and profit.  Because if this is not a warning, it’s going to get worse.  A lot worse.

Let’s hope that this is creation giving us another chance.  

Let’s hope that this is not yet creation pushing the reset button; but this is her reminding us that there is a reset button.  The health and well-being of the planet takes priority over the wanton destruction and mindless avarice of one species.

Let’s hope that the way creation has so favorably responded to just over two months of a reduction in human “economic” activity, is a message that this pandemic thing is working really well for every other life form on the planet.  They will be fine without us.  In fact, they could get used to this.   

Let’s hope that this is creation reminding us that we are, in effect, the pathogen jeopardizing the future of the whole web of life.  We are the ones liable to be eradicated or culled, to save the larger body.  

Let’s hope we have time.

Let’s hope that, if we do have time, we use it to remake our world so that our life serves God, not money; all people, not just the rich; all of life, not just humans.

Because there will be no second warning. 

Look.  We can fix this ourselves and merely inconvenience a few wealthy people.  Or we can just let the planet fix itself.  That will not be pretty; for us.  We can adapt.  Maybe the planet is tired of adapting to us.

Let’s hope it’s not too late.

Let’s hope.  And put that hope into action building a world of compassion, humility, simplicity, gentleness, gratitude, wonder, justice, healing, and love.


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