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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Like I Said...

After putting up the previous post I happened upon 2 articles making my point that confessing Jesus as God is an affront to the Empire and those who think Christianity should be its lapdog.

Check out: http://politicaljesus.com/2013/09/15/so-you-still-dont-believe-dominionism-exists-do-you/?utm_source=feedly#sthash.HtzWdsXl.dpbs

"The Christology of dominionist Tea party politics deemphasizes many of the claims of Christ’s divinity, and is very much in the deist tradition...." 

And, here's Tony Jones: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/tonyjones/2013/09/14/westmont-college-and-the-apotheosis-of-evangelicalism/

It is remarkable that this confession is offensive to some on both the left and the right.  

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