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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Moment Is Ours to Seize

At the end of her wonderful article in the latest edition of Orion magazine, Rebecca Solnit gives a description of the emerging economic system after the collapse of Capitalism.  I think it tells us something about what the church is becoming as well.

"The future has never been more uncertain, but that's not all bad news.  This moment could belong to those who want to articulate something that is neither capitalist nor communist but local, durable, humane, imaginative, inclusive, and open to ongoing improvisation, rather than locked up in a fixed ideology.  The moment is ours to seize."  

Replace the economic ideologies with theological orthodoxies --- evangelical, liberal, Reformed, or whatever --- and maybe we are also hoping for something to emerge that is local, durable, humane, inclusive, and open to ongoing improvisation.

It's a great article, by the way.  In the January/February 2009 issue of Orion

A peaceful and blessed New Year to all.

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